Lisa Abdilova

Seattle, WA

Lisa connects professionals to professional help: mentors, coaches and therapists.

Well Connected Now, a rising telehealth company, aspires to de-stigmatize mental health, resolve millenial entrepreneurs' and worried-well professionals' core career-related challenges, plus provide secure video chat access to therapists.

After studying Psychology and Science, Technology & Society at Stanford, Lisa became a trained peer counselor and ventured into mental health advocacy through "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" (NPR) and then as a coach for Microsoft's College Hire Marketers.

Lisa's background also includes CSS, HTML, and Front-End Web Design via General Assembly, Product Marketing and Tech Evangelism for MicrosoftVentures,, OneDrive, Bing,and IE, Sales & Marketing Communications for Palo Alto mobile payments start-up Bling Nation, and Support Account Management for BingAds & Yahoo search advertisers.

  • Work
    • Well Connected Now
  • Education
    • Stanford University (Psychology | Science, Technology, & Society),
    • Kellogg School of Management (Marketing)