Project Manager, Consultant, and Digital Marketer in San Diego, California


Project Manager, Consultant, and Digital Marketer in San Diego, California


"What a difference, what a difference, what a difference a little difference can make" -Fugazi

The world is a complicated place. The human experience is a tricky endeavor. We all take separate paths in life, searching for the same thing, but ultimately end up in the same place . .

Happiness is all anybody really wants. Right? The whole thing seems simple enough wouldn't you say?

Regardless of what path you choose in life or what dogma you subscribe to, there is one certainty in life: Do what you love and surround yourself with good people, and your time on this crazy ride called life might be just a little easier.

I would like to think that I've found some proof in this theory of life. When your work and leisure time seem indistinguishable, it's a good sign that you chose the right profession.

What do I do?

Depends on who you ask . . .

From my vantage point, my 'job' is to communicate and connect with people. Be it via print, digital or face to face. I suppose I'm a 'Connector', my personality type is an ENFJ . . .

As a Senior Level Digital Marketing professional I have seen the marketing landscape change dramatically. Those who couldn't adapt got ground up into dust. It's a fast-paced world, and one must accept the task of life-long learning.

We in a race to the top, of what who knows? Perhaps it's more akin to a chess match, looking 10 steps ahead, outmaneuvering each other at every turn, and ultimately testing who can execute their strategy the best.

I love what I do and love learning even more. If you want to make a difference I'll be here waiting for your message.

Some additional off-resume factoids:

• 2015: Lived in Panama, Nicaragua and Guatemala. Backpacking central America and taking consulting gigs when I could. Consulted for 3 Breweries, 2 Eco-Lodges, and a Tattoo Shop.

• Shameless Name Drop? My first job was for an Agency in Hollywood, I was lucky enough to with Tommy Lee, Danny Boy o'Connor (House of Pain), Pauly Shore, and Paris Hilton ('networking').

• I am a master wordsmith and use semicolons fearlessly! ;)

My Travel Blog

  • Work
    • Brandetize
  • Education
    • Regis University
    • California State University, Los Angeles