V.D. Coleman

Pursued Higher Education in Communications, Business Administration, Sociology, Criminal Justice and Public Administration with a concentration in Human Resources. Has been in the midst of writing via personal life ordeals for a book.

Loves to write / express and blogs on a daily basis contributing to political and church discussion roundtables. Born and raised to not just be in ministry but to live a life of ministry.

Respects herself and others, Honors God, Adores her parents, Admits to being “off kilter” since her father lost his battle to cancer 4 years ago, Misses her Grandmother – “Mother Dear”

Supportive to her family, Loyal to her friends, Baffled by her Government, Admires the 42nd President, Obsessed with Politics, Irritated by the lack of respect for God’s church, Cherishes true leadership

Wants, Needs and Deserves a real vacation, From October to March, - takes time to feed the homeless with her 9 yr old son’s help, Will assist strangers at any given moment, Grateful that Jesus Christ “chose” to die on the cross

Giggles at her awesome relationship with God and Understands that everyday is a fight to live a God fearing life.