Tommy Weir

Creative Producer and Artist in Leitrim, Ireland

Tommy Weir

Creative Producer and Artist in Leitrim, Ireland

View my portfolio

I'm a photographer who is lucky enough to live in the North West of Ireland having grown up in Dublin and worked for many years in New York. The landscape around where we live is rich in personal and social history. The relationship with the land is complex here, not only for artists but for anyone who ventures across it.

I also produce feature films at our company, Janey Pictures where I partner with my wife, Marian Quinn. We have a focus on drama for the international market.

I've worked my way through various creative media, from visual arts through publishing, theatre, graphic design, the web to film and photography. I've had various roles in that journey, from curator through to artist, working on both sides of the Atlantic.

I lecture in several creative programmes at IT Sligo. I partner with visual artists on producing video content, and work with creative individuals and companies on their web and technology implementation.

The broad arc of my career actively tracks the impact of technology on culture and the creative sector since the Eighties. It's an ongoing source of fascination for me.

All that aside, what I really love to do is to cook.

  • Work
    • Janey Pictures
  • Education
    • Trinity College Dublin
    • School of Art, University of Ulster