Blockchain Mgt. Consulting Professional Services in California


Blockchain Mgt. Consulting Professional Services in California

Timothy P. Washington is a world-class, MIT certified, Blockchain/FinTech strategy & professional services management consultant. Mr. Washington is not content with quick tech fixes that merely stop the bleeding of a required pivot or new business segment launch. Beyond his talent for solving immediate problems fast and gaining product/service traction right away; Tim leverages a customer-centric consultative sales approach to mastermind solutions for customers. His business blockchain and smart contract solutions safeguard the company, leaving the organization and its people firmly grounded for sustainable growth well into the future. Driven by a strong sense of urgency and incredible stamina, he enjoys and thrives on massive change under fire in crisis situations. He is at his best when turning uncertainty and chaos into order and harmony. Resourceful and innovative, he always searches out new ways to improve the bottom line in the C-Suite and elevate company best-practices. Fearless and confident throughout his career, Tim is a subject matter expert and pioneer in envisioning advanced blockchain methodology to increase sales, profits and market share for the next 20 years!

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  • Work
    • Prolific Consulting
  • Education
    • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
    • Morehouse College