Ho Chi Vic Shing

Photographer, movie, and freelancer in New Territories, Hong Kong

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I've started filming Independent Music in Hong Kong since 2009. Now there are more than 3000 Live Independent Music Video is released and published on my channel http://www.youtube.com/shingvictor and http://www.youtube.com/MusicSurveillance . It is one of the largest Hong Kong Live Independent Music Video channel in Hong Kong. I film one to two independent music show each week and the channel cover more than 50 musician/group. Photos and event information can be found on my Music Surveillance Facebook Page. http://www.facebook.com/Music Surveillance . I also produce short clips volunteer for http://www.youtube.com/daydreamnationvid and http://www.youtube.com/startfromzerovid I also take photos and video for art event and the photos can be found on http://www.facebook.com/ArtSurveillance And commercial video on http://www.youtube.com/SurveillanceProd