Sergio Nouvel


Sergio Nouvel


I have a penchant for that (still) blurry place where design, humanity, content and technology meet.

I lead User Experience and Innovation projects at Continuum in Chile and Peru. I co-founded Get on Board. I also write and edit random, opinionated stuff in FAQWomen, and ocassionally in LUN as a guest columnist.

I've developed a simple Lean UX methodology introducing a new concept, the Validation Onion, that has proven reliable and successful in projects of varied nature, from disruptive startups to large mission-critic systems.

I've also helped INACAP define the vision and structure the curriculum of the new Web & Mobile Design associate degree, which will help form future front-end and UI designers in Chile.

I love giving talks. I've presented in several places in 4 countries. Slides here.