Shawn MacDonell

Being creative is not something that I am but rather everything about me. I try to look at the world in a different way all the time. People these days are either thinking inside the box or outside the box - instead I ask what if there was no box? Since 2004 I have been a social entrepreneur running a company called Creativision. Creativision is a creative agency designed to engage citizens in everyday thought experiments. I lead an incredibly diverse and talented team. We work with companies and individuals to push beyond limits, to challenge the status quo, to tell stories, and deliver messages.

I love everything that has to do with human nature, understanding it better, and pushing people or teams beyond their perceived limits.

I have coached many sports at just about every level and I have learned alot over the years. People are exciting, people can be pushed, and we all play a role in making great things happen.

I am a believer in free thought and creativity. I also adhere to the motto that we never grow up we just learn how to behave in public (something I'd like us adults to look at a little differently). We need to remember our crayons, colour outside the lines, and never cut on the line if we are going to make the changes that we need to see in this world.

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive. Because what this world needs is people that come alive." - Howard Thurman

Happy Creative Living! now go do something "bad"