Princess Romay


Romay came from South Africa to Europe, a girl who dared to dream. With an effervescent personality and a zest for life, the thought of forever being in love was not farfetched but a reality she never thought possible. Her life is the dynamic of lessons learned and obstacles overcome! She has an amazing gorgeous son she refers to as "Puppy". She recently married the ever stunning Love of her life. She confesses with a giggle when asked that she calls him her "Lover". "My husband is truly my inspiration" she says and he refers to her as his whole world, calling her "Princess". The love of travelling and her wild imagination is what inspires her writing but her husband is her biggest encouragement. Their love and passion with the creative interest to please each other is what unfolds into her stories. With the strong support of her "Lover" they dream up magic together.

The link to the poem, "Soul Searching" Is one out of the collection from my book MEMORIES; Of The Heart. A Dedication to donate funds to the cause of Girls and Women Worldwide.

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