Prestige Tax and Trust Services


At Prestige Tax and Trust Services we are interested in one thing: giving you the best possible service.

Bloodline Planning makes sure that your assets reach your children, grandchildren and other relatives, instead of ending up in the wrong hands. Our expertise will ensure that your assets are fully protected from attack and immediately available to your loved ones after you are gone. We can help with bloodline and estate planning to prepare for the future, now.

Entering a care home can be a daunting prospect, especially if you've always maintained your independence in the past. Sadly the cost of care can threaten to wipe out anything you've saved, making it impossible to leave your loved ones an inheritance. We can help you safeguard your home and savings to pre-emptively avoid the crippling cost of care.

Family situations are increasingly complicated and adapting the legal provision to apply in a way that truly reflects your situation is something that we considers to be of paramount significance. Dying without a will can cause major difficulties for those left behind. If you have children, own property or run your own business, it's vital that you make a will.

For a full range of our services, visit our main website.

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