Eva Gregory, CPCC

Law of Attraction Expert, Speaker and Author, and Mentor in United States

Eva Gregory, CPCC

Law of Attraction Expert, Speaker and Author, and Mentor in United States

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I left IBM in the late 80's and joined my mate, Robin, in his software company. After 10 years, we were struggling to the point of bankruptcy.

About that time, I discovered the Law of Attraction, and when I jumped into the deep end of that pool, we took our company from almost bankrupt to selling it for a hefty sum of money. It was one of the most transformational turning points in my life.

I was hooked. I had to help others understand the power of integrating the Law of Attraction and Inner Guidance with practical business strategies to create a successful business.

Not everyone resonates with who I am, but those who do, who apply the principles and strategies I teach are amazed at how fulfilling and FUN building a successful business can be.

When you recognize that what you have to offer is a Divine Invitation from you and a Divine Opportunity for those who are looking for you and what you have to offer, it changes everything!

You have the ability to experience miracles and success...and it happens when you choose unshakable commitment to achieve your dreams.

No matter where you find yourself, this commitment is always inside you and waiting to be tapped.

• Near bankruptcy in the software company, I was committed to seeing us succeed. I didn’t know how, but I was committed. I KNEW there had to be a way.

• That led me to the Law of Attraction which I shared with others in the company. We began working with it as our top priority, and within 9 months, someone we’d never heard of approached us and bought us out lock, stock and barrel for a hefty sum of money.

• When the company legally changed hands, Robin and I were in the Grenadine Islands on a 42-foot catamaran island-hopping with friends.

• At a point when my coaching business was moving in a new direction I was afraid to take, I had to trust my Inner Guidance. As a result, it took my business into multiple six-figures. What most folks don’t know is that it happened within 6 months.

THAT is the power of Law of Attraction and Inner Guidance. It produces miracles!

I don’t understand how these miracles happen, I just know they do.

I continue to experience them in my own life and my clients do as well.

The key is COMMITMENT, which at its core, is a declaration that YOU BELIEVE IN YOU!

You have everything within you to create a successful enlightened business doing what you love, making a difference in the lives of others and making good money as well.

MY passion is helping those like you turn that dream into a reality.

  • Work
    • Leading Edge Coaching