Edna Smith

Atlanta, Georgia

  • They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but it's amazing how a single person examines and "process" information; unaware of the negative notion of "failure". How a single person can unknowingly alter their mental state of mind to society's standards. The confidence in which people are born into, changes over the course of time; instead of harnessing and embracing the powers of optimism, leverage, and success, they buy into the negative propaganda and develop a pessimistic disorder. Most people talk the talk, but can't walk the walk because they have allowed fear to be their master. When individuals are ruled by fear, their state of mind is compromised; his/her attributes (skills, talents and desires) are compartmentalize; some go unused while the other falls under regret and wonder. The secret formula to living is: Desire + Skills x Faith = Success

"If you don't build your dreams, someone will hire to build theirs"

" You Become What You Think About"

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  • Education
    • Georgia State University