Carter Lee

Carter Lee

I am the author of When Jonathan Cried for Me, President Innovative Social Dynamics LLC, I write a column for The Washington Times entitled In That Moment of Space, co-host Really Genius Radio, and I'm a professional speaker. I have spent the last four years of my life transforming myself from a broken person who once suffered from PTSD (caused from sexual abuse at the hands of a pedophile) and depression, into a one with complete inner peace and no signs of those afflictions.

For most of my life, my only dream was to be in the sports entertainment industry, which I accomplished in my 20's by becoming a licensed professional wrestler, promoter and booker. After years in that industry – and many injuries later! – I realized that this was no longer my dream. I ventured into stage acting, stand-up comedy, and promoted bands in the local music scenes.

After years of trying to find my niche in life, I discovered my meaning in life, my purpose; I had an epiphany of what I was supposed to do. I started Innovative Social Dynamics LLC. Through my business I educate, inspire and challenge others to obtain positive transformation through the knowledge of the mind, science, and innovative philosophy. The tool for transformation and personal greatness exists inside of everyone.

I have partnered with Stop the Silence, a tremendous organization dedicated to ending child sex abuse and assisting sexually abused children.

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