Jasper Bergink


I work as Financial Services Executive Associate at Kreab Gavin Anderson in Brussels, providing strategic communications advice. I work on several EU policy issues, such as banking union and macroeconomics. It is a fascinating environment where policy moves fast.


My biggest project is my blog For A State of Happiness. It's dedicated to my quest to understand the science of individual and collective happiness.

I had the honour to share my ideas at TEDxLuxembourgCity; my talk is here.

As TEDxAmsterdam blogger, one highlight was my interview with TED curator Chris Anderson. I also loved to write about the brain development of bilinguals and the secret of memory training.

I also co-directed Stagiaires' Ideas That Matter for Commission trainees, and opened the event with the talk Why Our Ideas Matter.

I jokingly refer to myself as a 'cycling activist'. See my Pecha Kucha talk Get a bike, get a life.


Many! One of my passions is street art. I love the hidden images that make you smile. I collected some on Flickr.

My biggest dream is to turn my blog into a book - and to travel to Bhutan for a study trip. And what makes me happy? A really great coffee, or a