Annie Spikes

Art & Entomology in Chapel Hill, North Carolina

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Hello there...did you perhaps buy a print of my artwork or pick up my business card?

I would love to hear from you, please send me an email and tell me about your experience!

[email protected]


Fractals, kaleidoscopic mandalas, and symmetry are common themes in my artwork. I enjoy experimenting with patterns and finding ways different aspects of nature tie into together, and hint at a more cosmic connection. As alluded to in my work on this page, "We are all made of starstuff"...


I use my own photography, paintings, drawings, found objects and fractals to make mixed media photo-collages. I use Ultrafractal software to create my fractals, where manipulating math formulas can create beautiful recursive patterns commonly found in nature.


I currently do not have an online store, but plans are made to have one up soon. If my art speaks to you let me know, I welcome correspondence via phone or email. I also occasionally do commission pieces, but hope that any image we create together might be offered as art to others, so that its message can speak to them.


By day I am an entomologist at the North Carolina Museum of Life & Science. Many of my works are inspired by science and my day to day experiences with insects and the questions that curious humans ask...

Know Wonder!


[email protected]

-See more of my images at the flickr link button below-