Alejandro Ruete

researcher, Analyst, and Consultant in Laholm, Sweden

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I study the ecology of species' populations, especially their viability and ways to protect them. My personal goal is to develop quantitative tools for nature conservancy, trying to merge basic and applied science. I try to translate all my findings directly into knowledge applicable to conservation biology.

I am also interested on taking advantage of opportunistic observations and non-systematic data collections (presence-only data), to make the best scientific inference from it. These data possess great value that is often overlooked.

I got my PhD in Conservation Biology at the Department of Ecology, SLU, Uppsala (Sweden). I own a MSc on Wildlife Management from Cordoba National University (Argentina). Before that, I obtained my degree in Biological Sciences at Comahue National University, S.C. Bariloche (Argentina).

  • Work
    • Greensway AB
  • Education
    • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
    • Comahue National University (Argentina)
    • Córdoba National University (Argentina)