Aaron Dodson, P. E.

Consultant in Dana Point, California

Hi, my name is Aaron and my consultation is Free :)

Are you overweight? Low energy? Worried about your immune system? Suffering from early signs of a chronic ailment such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer? Are you Depressed?

I am not a doctor, but an engineer with 50 years of bio research and science behind me, and more real life experience than I care to mention. You can help stop the progression of poor health in your family like I did 30 years ago. I also offer free advice and training to anyone in distress and those who are dealing with a loved one in distress.

Today 50% males and 33% females are getting cancer in the US. After 30 years of research, one thing is sure: the food you are eating, the thoughts you are thinking, your environment, and especially the water you are drinking, will either save and help preserve you, or slowly help to diminish your health and advance age you over time. I want to help you (and your family) get outside the high risk circles, show you how to build your immune system, loose weight, increase energy and immunity, and stay there, easily and effortlessly.

Contact me if you have any questions or would like a free consultation.

Aaron Dodson, P. E.

714-322-2297 mobile/text